Buy Indy East

We promise to create healthy commercial corridors that provide desirable neighborhood goods, services, and amenities that serve our residents and become a regional destination for shopping, dining, and recreation.


Increase Economic Activity

Massachusetts Avenue, East 10 Art sign

Commercial District Development

Provide comprehensive commercial district development resources and incentives targeting new and existing neighborhood-serving businesses, commercial property owners, and neighborhood-commercial developers.

Arts-based Community Development

Strategically target neighborhood-centered commercial redevelopment nodes to implement Arts-based Community Development (ABCD) initiatives as an economic a catalyst for commercial development, entrepreneurship and creative programming.

Implement Innovative Infrastructure

Implement innovative infrastructure including public gathering spaces, dedicated trail systems and streetscape improvements to attract a strong consumer base and utilize placemaking practices as catalyst for business development.

View the full Buy IndyEast Promise Zone strategy

Are you interested in learning more about the strategy behind Buy IndyEast goals? Access the full Promise Zone Goals & Strategy or those specific to Buy.

Buy IndyEast Promise Zone Funding History

To date, Buy IndyEast has leveraged has almost $60M to support the Eastside of Indianapolis.
Federal Funding Leveraged for Buy IndyEast: $58,284,990
Harrison Center for the Arts Logo

Grants for Arts Project

Grants for Arts Projects (GAP) provides expansive funding opportunities to strengthen the nation’s arts and ...
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Harrison Center for the Arts Logo

Arts Projects

Funding from the National Endowment for the Arts will support the Harrison Center’s artist residency ...
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Business Ownership Initiative Logo

Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recently awarded BOI $180,000 through its Program for Investment in Micro-Entrepreneurs (PRIME) to continue funding BOI’s Re-Entry Entrepreneurship Development ...
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Business Ownership Initiative Logo

Community Development Financial Institutions – Technical Assistance

Business Ownership Initiative (BOI), the anchor program of the Indy Chamber’s Entrepreneur Services division, was recently certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as ...
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Business Ownership Initiative Logo

Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs (PRIME)

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) recently awarded BOI $180,000 through its Program for Investment in Micro-Entrepreneurs (PRIME) to continue funding BOI’s Re-Entry Entrepreneurship Development ...
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City of Indianapolis Logo

New Market Tax Credits

he City of Indianapolis was awarded $55 million in New Market Tax Credits by the US Treasury Department. This is the City’s third New Market ...
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Business Ownership Initiative Logo

Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs (PRIME)

The Small Business Administration’s Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs (PRIME) grant provided assistance to the Business Ownership Initiative, supporting its programs to help low-income entrepreneurs ...
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Business Ownership Initiative Logo

Community Development Financial Institutions – Technical Assistance

Business Ownership Initiative (BOI), the anchor program of the Indy Chamber’s Entrepreneur Services division, was certified by the U.S. Department of the Treasury as a ...
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Buy IndyEast Map

Buy IndyEast Map

Buy IndyEast map shows the area’s key assets and developments that the promise zone has focused on like the 10 East Arts District, the East Washington Street Plan, and IndyGo bus routes as an alternative method of transportation. The map also shows new businesses since the promise zone designation.

View the map.

Buy IndyEast

News and Resources

Read the latest updates about Buy IndyEast projects, awarded grants, and milestones.