Professional Development for Staff and Volunteers in The Promise Zone
The Promise Zone and Indy’s Near Eastside have some ambitious and exciting goals for the next several years. The International Coach Federation will help you meet them with FREE professional development and 3 hours of one-on-one coaching. This opportunity is available to anyone working or volunteering in a Near Eastside nonprofit.
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Listen to the conference call where we answered many questions about this opportunity.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a process and partnership, which allows you to accelerate forward and focus just on your goals with an objective accountability partner. Chances are you’ve heard all of the good advice. A coach won’t tell you what to do or give you all of the answers. Instead they will walk you through a process so that you are committed to achieving your goals and agreed upon action steps.
What participants can expect:
· 3 Coaching sessions with their individual ICF coach (2 sessions via phone and 1 session in person on June 23 between 1-2:30 at the downtown conference hotel)
· Each coaching session will be for 1 hour
· Coach and participant will determine other mutually agreeable dates and times for phone coaching
· Goals for coaching will be determined by the participant
What is required of participants:
· Commit to 3 coaching sessions with their individual ICF coach (2 sessions via phone in May and June and 1 session in person on June 23 between 1-2:30 at Conf. hotel)
· Find a quiet place, free of distractions, to focus on their phone coaching session
· Attend the project kick-off call the first week of May
· Participate in a workshop hosted in late Summer 2016 for all coaching participants
How can I get more information?
Attend a special live call on April 6 to get all your questions answered. Join at noon or 7 p.m. by calling 712-832-8320 (pin # 369-8935). Contact St. Clair neighbor (and NEAR board member), Stefanie Krievins, for more info:
Download the flyer and share
Registration only takes 3 minutes and closes on April 28!