Minnie Hartmaan Senior Apartments

Now Open: Minnie Hartmann Center, Affordable Senior Housing

Near East Area Renewal (NEAR) and development partner TWG have completed the housing portion of the Minnie Hartmann Center, a multifamily senior affordable housing building redeveloped from IPS School #78. The Minnie Hartmann Center consists of 64 affordable rentals for adults 55 and older. The Center will also include a full-day childcare center for 150+ children operated by Shepherd Community Center.

Other Facts and Features Include:

  • Approximately 96,000 square feet of living and daycare space
  • Easy access to IndyGo transit lines (Route 3) and bikeways (Michigan & NY)
  • An intergenerational shared site – interactive programs engaging children with seniors (first in Indiana!)
  • Multiple-use gymnasium/community gathering center
  • .3 miles from Linwood Square shopping center; 2.9 miles from Monument Circle/downtown Indianapolis

NEAR Leveraged the IndyEast Promise Zone on its Low Income Housing Tax Credit application to the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority. Since the Promise Zone designation, eight projects have been certified by the IndyEast Promise Zone based on location and alignment with Promise Zone goals. In total $6,680,652 in tax credits have been secured leveraging over $66 million in private investment.