(photo courtesy of Indiana Business Journal)
Stenz Construction Corporation in November 2016 bought the previous U.S. Corrugated-Fibre Box Company (predecessor to LDI Ltd.) on 1411 Roosevelt Avenue, just north of the Circle City Industrial Complex. Now called The Box Factory, the gargantuan building is 140,000 square feet and will include offices, an indoor recreation facility, and retail space. The project is expected to open this year in 2020, marking 100 years since the building first was constructed in 1920.
What once was a large and unused industrial site, the new Box Factory is a center of opportunity as the refurbished space is expected to create 274 jobs with an average wage of $32.20 per hour – a mixture of service and professional-oriented jobs, full- and part-time. The recreation facility will have a different owner, North Mass Boulder and will open in February 2021.
This is an incredible achievement for the Near Eastside and the IndyEast Promise Zone as the project aligns closely with two of our five promises, Work and Buy IndyEast. We were happy to provide a letter of support to the Indiana Economic Development Corporation for the use $3,542,213 in DINO Tax Credits. An Industrial Recovery Tax Credit, also known as DINO credits, are specifically granted for older buildings, incentivizing companies to invest in former industrial sites that require considerable refurbishment.
The Office Space
It is 89,702 square feet of total creative office space. There are large windows for natural light, downtown Indianapolis skyline views, an outdoor courtyard, and even rooftop space. The office portion of the Box Factory also has a retail storefront opportunity or a perfect spot for a restaurant. Stenz Construction Co. also ensured ample free parking for office workers and patrons.
(photo courtesy of The Box Factory)
Indoor Recreation and Fitness Facility
Read more on their website.
(photo courtesy of The Box Factory)
The U.S. Corrugated Fiber Box Co.
(photo courtesy of The Box Factory)