The packet from the bus tour can be found here.
• Build Fund: a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) dedicated to supporting economic development in Indianapolis. They provide affordable and responsible loans to small businesses and developers creating employment opportunities.
• Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): HUD funded, DMD administered grants used to fund decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities for low to moderate-income persons.
• Develop Indy: an economic development organization under Indy Chamber, which offers a host of local incentives for investment and development in Indianapolis.
• Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) Tax Credit: a refundable tax credit to businesses that create new jobs and improve the standard of living.
• FOCUS Works: an effort by LISC and partners, which offers a variety of grants and loans to support redevelopment.
• Hoosier Business Investment (HBI) Tax Credit: a tax credit to incentivize job creation and capital investment.
• Industrial Development Grant Fund: provides support to municipalities and other eligible entities with off-site infrastructure improvements.
• LISC: the Local Initiatives Support Corporation offers a variety of lending products relevant for potential Promise Zone investors
• NextLevel Jobs Employer Training Grant: a reimbursement fund for employers in high demand business sectors.
• Opportunity Zones: a community development program designed to encourage long-term investments in low-income communities. For information on federal programs that offer opportunity zone preference, click here.
• Redevelopment Tax Credit: a tax credit by IEDC to incentivize investment and redevelopment of vacant lands, buildings, and brownfields.
• Sherman Park RFQ: Developers interested in the Sherman Park site can consult this list of requested qualifications by the City.
• Skills Enhancement Fund: a fund that provides assistance for companies to support the training of employees.
• Small Headquarters Relocation Tax Credit: a refundable tax credit for small high=growth businesses that relocate their headquarters (or 80% of workforce) to IN